Sunday, April 29, 2007

Leaving Spain

It's all over. Jordan headed to Salzburg for almost two weeks, and the rest of us went home. The immigration people took us aside to check our passports, but other than the that, we had no trouble.

What a wonderful trip! When we got home, people tended to focus in on the theft of our passports and computer. That was certainly a huge drag, but it was an eye-opener for us that even a disaster like this is just "stuff" -- and we can replace stuff. (We are lucky enough to have insurance!) No one was hurt, and the main thing we are sorry to have lost is the pictures of our visit to Trevélez and the Alhambra. Our memories are especially valuable, since we know we have to keep them fresh without photos to fall back on.

We are planning a follow-up trip in two years, this time to Córdoba (to see the mosque that we missed), Nerja (the lovely town on the Costa del Sol where we reported the theft and hung around while Jordan called the credit card companies, bank, etc.), Lisbon, and the Portuguese coast. Time to start planning!

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