Monday, October 19, 2009


Just finished talking to the surgeon. The whole process took towards the longer side rather than the shorter side. But the iliac bypass was not necessary, and the surgeon is happy with the absence of leakage ("type 1 or type 2" - research item). The surgeon was also pleased with the way his system had withstood the anesthesia and the procedure in general.

Dad apparently came up out of the anesthesia very well, and has already had the breathing tube removed. I warned him me might come into the recovery room with the tube, as it was the thing that annoyed him the most with his lung surgery 25 years ago.

He'll be in surgical recovery for about an hour, then on to the ICU, which is where we'll get to see him. More news after we see him.

Dad says he slept like a log last night. But Mom says she didn't sleep a wink, which seems likely given that she's spent the entire morning dozing in the wheelchair we borrowed to drive her around the hospital. Between naps she's been reading "Team of Rivals" on Dad's Kindle. Don't know what will happen when he's awake enough to want to read his book on it. Maybe she'll end up with one of her own!



Unitarian Universalist Association said...

Jordan - I am just delighted to hear the good news about your Dad. My very best wishes to you, your mom and your dad (when he wakes up!).

Looking forward to further positive updates.


Unknown said...

Queridos, fico contente que ele tenha resistido e tudo esteja correndo bem dentro do possível.
Eu estava realmente muito preocupada e apreensiva, não só por ele mas também por tia Dionir.
Espero que ela aguente firme mais essa dificuldade.
Amamos vocês!

Ana Cristina Nadruz said...

Ohlala! Muito bom ler essas boas notícias! Quando puder, diga a ele que o amamos e que acompanhamos tudo . Diga a tia Dionir que estamos rezando por ele, ok?
Grande beijo pra você, Margie e crianças.