Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lots of Progress

Not only is Zac feeling much more like himself, but, earlier than we expected, the surgeon came by and removed his nose-tube. Since that was actually the most uncomfortable part of the whole event so far (aside from the occasional dressing change), this is big news.

Zac is now pretty much himself (aside from the IV in his arm) and the remaining open wound in his abdomen (one inch, down from about five). But much more comfortable.


Rodney said...

I sympathize with him. I had mine out in 1999 only to go back with an infection a couple of weeks later (more of the gallons of green gunk pouring out of a hole in my belly later). So keep that wound clen and if it does not seem to be healing up get back to the hospital pronto. My second would (4 inches or so) took weks to heal with me changing my own dressings after the first week of home nurse visits. That was how I spent my poorly timed leave of absence from work.

Jordan said...

Thanks - that's making us appreciate how conservative Zac's surgeon is being. He still hasn't closed up the last inch or so of the wound, and they're watching his white blood cell counts, which are just a little higher than normal.