Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Day in Limbo

I've been hanging out with my folks today. Dad and I went to the UU church in Princeton and caught up with some old friends. But mainly it's been a weird day, knowing that tomorrow Dad, who feels fine right now, is going to feel really really crappy at best.

He's been on Prednisone for the allergic reaction to the dye (prophylacticly ) and he reports that at this high dose, it makes him feel GREAT! Easy to understand how one could abuse such a thing.

We went over some of the paperwork, and we're ready to get up at 5:15AM to be at the hospital at 5:45.

I'll be posting by SMS and e-mail as things progress tomorrow.

Wish him luck, keep him in your thoughts, and pray if you're so inclined.


1 comment:

Ana Elisa Nadruz said...

joining the chain with good thoughts and love.