Monday, October 19, 2009

Made it to the surgical care unit

Dad's made it to the SCU (Surgical Care Unit). He's fairly chipper all things considered. He's still a little out of it from the anesthesia and wired up from every possible extremity.

I'm realizing that I'm pretty tired as well from the details I forgot to put in my previous post.

They way they managed to avoid the iliac bypass since the bottom end of the aorta was marginal for the stent was to install one or two other stents - the kind they use to keep cardiac arteries open (have to get the terminology for that) - to get the clearance they needed. I say
"they" because the surgeon came by with his practice partner whom he said had been in the procedure with him.

Dad has an IV line in his neck which is something I haven't seen before. Be glad when that's gone but don't know what the plan is for that.

Don't know how long we'll be here in the hospital visiting - till dad gets tired or they throw us out I guess.


Unknown said...

Hooray for all things going well. We've been thinking about you all weekend (all of you) and pretty much counting the hours till we could reasonably get news. Thanks for the update and love to all--from the bottom of our hearts!!! jxwl & kids

Always Asking Why said...

Jordan, love to you and your Dad and thanks for keeping us posted through the blog

John said...

So relieved to hear your father came through surgery with flying colors and that he is recovering apace. Been thinking of you all today; thanks for setting up the blog and please keep us posted. And make sure to get some rest yourself!

All love from all of us,

John & Kate

Unknown said...

Primo querido

Tio Jordan já está em casa? Como está a recuperação dele? E tia Dionir, como está?
Estou evitando de ligar para eles para não incomodar e nem mesmo sei se estão em casa.
Beijos a todos