Thursday, May 13, 2010

Paleolithic cave paintings!

Thursday - Benaojan to Cordoba - We were very sorry to leave the lovely little Molina del Santo, with a terrace overlooking a pool, gardens, and brook with a waterfall. Their breakfast was the best ever. We drove the few miles to the Cueva de la Pileta, arriving to find 25 school kids ready to enter. The guide kindly let us go at the front of the group and guided in English as well as Spanish. The Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings were incredible - the real thing!

When we drove north to Acipino, the road to the Roman ruins was washed out, so we had a long walk in. The amphitheater overlooked piles of rubble where buildings had been, and then a gorgeous view of hills and olive groves. During the walk back to the car we talked to a young American who was living in Ronda, teaching English, who said that it had rained for three months this winter, which is why everything looks unusually green.

The drive to Cordoba was uneventful, with the help of GPS Jack, including and uninspired lunch at a roadside cafe and seeing flamingos in a marsh. We only had to circle the train station three times before we found the rental car return -- not bad. Meg and I took a walk around the mosque and across the newly restored Roman Bridge while the sun set. Monica went sleep early after all that driving!

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