Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Last day in Seville

Tuesday - Sevilla - We took a taxi to the Plaza de Espagna, the outrageous huge tiled semicircular space built for the 1926 exhibition. Unfortunately, it was under construction, so we couldn't rent rowboats in the little moat. But the tilework was incredible. Each of Spain's 50 states has a tilework picture. The day was gorgeous -- apparently when the weather report predicts rain, they are only kidding.

We walked to the Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, and climbed the 34 ramps up the Giralda tower to get a view of the city. The place is so big that it has all the spiritual feeling of a bus station. The architecture has a little bit of everything Gothic -- enormous and impressive.

Lunch was a wonderful Morrocan feast in a restaurant that turned out to be around the corner from our hotel. In the evening, we walked along the Guadalquivir and watch the crowds over a truly inferior caipirinha, which Meg purchased for the three of us. Maybe Meg or Monica will remember what we did for dinner!

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