Saturday, May 8, 2010

Margy, Meg and Monica go to Spain

Saturday - Madrid - Meg and I arrived after about four hours of sleep on the plane and took the Metro to the Hotel Prado right near the Plaza Santa Ana. Monica arrived soon after. It's suprisingly cool here, a little cooler than Vermont. Rain is predicted for the entire week, but it's mainly just a bit cloudy.

After settling in, we walked over to the Plaza Mayor to show Monica. (We were there three years ago.) We had a disappointing lunch in the basement of a restaurant at the Plaza Major because it was too cold to sit outside. That's partly because although we love the idea of tapas, in reality, it usually comes down to excellent smoked ham on bread, or fried potatoes.

Since Meg and Monica will have time to go to the Prado next week, we went to the Centro del Arte Reina Sofia for modern art, especially Dali and Guernica. The museum is a huge old building around a courtyard, where we recharged our brains between Dali and Picasso.

We had a tapas-style dinner at La Trucha, which included trout, eggplants, and garlic shrimp. And we managed to stay up to a decent hour, so we were tired enouhg to sleep through the night and wake up on Spain time.

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