Sunday, May 9, 2010

We arrive in Seville

Sunday - Madrid and Sevilla - After a noisy night of cars honking and people yelling, we remembered the drawbacks of downtown hotels. We had breakfast at the Atocha train station after saying hi to the turtles in the huge rain-forest-like atrium. The AVE train to Sevilla took 2.5 hours and was quiet and fast.

We took a taxi to the Hotel Montecarlo, near the Puente Isabel and the bull ring. We wandered around a bit and had a lovely outdoor lunch in a small plaza, with little bundles of grilled asparagus wrapped in ham, and little steaks with Roquefort. It was just barely warm enough for us to want to sit outside.

The Alcazar was amazing, a palace built on top of an old fort by a Christian king in a Moorish (Mudejar) style. After seeing the Moorish architecture in Grenada during our last trip, it was fascinating to see a the mixed Moorish-Christian style.

Then we walked around the Barrio de Santa Cruz, the old Jewish quarter, with incredibly narrow streets that were darned confusing. We bought tickets for a flamenco tickets for tomorrow. After resting at the hotel, we had dinner at lovely formal taverna. The appetizers were fantastic, but the main courses were disappointing. Meg got "black rice" for an appetizer, which I'm pretty sure was rice with little pieces of squid and that the black was from squid or octopus ink, but she chose not to think about it.

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