Saturday, February 21, 2009

And then sometimes it sucks

Zac's white blood cell count is finally in the normal range. But his temp has been a little elevated over the last 24 hours. The surgeon we've been with during this entire process is off this weekend (I was wondering if he was ever off), and the hospital's other surgeon came by and said they were waiting for the temp to be normal for 24 hours.

I think at that point the whole thing came crashing down on Zac. He's very upset. Compounded by the fact that the IV he has seems tenuous - it doesn't hurt most of the time, but he (and we, and the nurse) are trying to figure out if it's well placed. Getting this new one in yesterday was quite a hassle, and required the resident expert at these things (who happens to be A) the ER nurse we originally saw, and who placed his original line 8 days ago, and B) the husband of one of the crackerjack nurses on the floor). So he really doesn't want to go through that again.

It seemed like we could get this one to work for the last two anti-biotic treatments, but if we're here for 24 more hours, I think we'll have to be really careful with it. The current nurse is totally with the process, but honestly, there is some variation among the nursing staff, and I suspect we'll want to stay on top of them so this doesn't turn in to a problem.

So if you had any thought of visiting, this would be a really good moment - we (all) are going to need as much distraction as we can get today.


John said...

Hi Jordan -

It sounds to me that the new surgeon is looking at the wound/appendix, but not seeing the entire patient. This is pretty common in today's world.

You might want to talk with Zac's pediatrician. I would expect the pediatrician would look at Zac as a whole and could explain to the surgeon that while things are not perfect, the stay in the hospital along with the IV tube is actually making things worse.

I say all this assuming that when you say his temp is slightly elevated that it's like 99.2. Again, your pediatrician can help you figure out if the temp is really so high that Zac needs to stay or if it's something you can manage at home.

In the meantime, I encourage Zac to start building Rube Goldburg inventions out of anything he can get his hands on. The nursing staff may then discharge him on their own.

I'll see you folks later today (but I'll call before heading down).


Unknown said...

Hey Zac!! I left a comment before, but it looks like I blew it!! Anyhow, I love you and I had a great time talking with you! Lots of Love,
jxwl and isaac