Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Progress, but not home yet

Saturday Zac was pretty zoned-out from the surgery, but we were all happy that the crisis was over and he was on the mend.

Sunday was slow, and by the end of the day Zac started getting pretty uncomfortable.

Monday was tough, with no visible signs of progress until....

After dinner-time (about 7 or so) things started to look up. His intestines began to show signs of life, and though he was still uncomfortable with the nose-tube, his cough had gone away. He just had better energy.

We (Jordan spent the night) got a good night's sleep thanks to nurse Dawn who grouped as many of her procedures at the beginning of the shift as possible. His intestines had showed signs of life Sunday evening during some of his walks, so the surgeon has left his NG tube disconnected, for possible removal later today (we hope) or tomorrow (more likely). That will be the biggest milestone in his recovery in terms of quality of life.

But his energy today is much much better. He's basically himself, but annoyed that this part isn't over yet.

We've discovered wi-fi in the room (though we probably wouldn't have used it beforehand anyway), so we may be on line a little more.

But for the first time since Friday, it feels like this could end, which would be nice.

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