Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Boring Part

Zac is on clear liquids now, which is a great change of pace. He's also down to one IV (down from a total of five hookups when he came out of the OR). Zac did have a single room, which had no view but good cell coverage. Now he's the only person in a double room with a lovely southern view and a lot of light, but no cell coverage. Go figure. The wi-fi signal here isn't as strong, but it seems good enough.

I had fantasies of his going home tomorrow, but before I got here the surgeon came by and looked at the wound. He decided to wait another day before closing up the last of it. Zac's white blood cell count is also still a little high, so I think they're upping the IV anti-biotic. So now Friday looks more possible, but that assumes progress, so we'll see.

People have been very generous with the dinner offerings. Normally we eat well off of our left-overs, but of course we cleared them all out for the trip that didn't happen. Margy and I have been alternating nights at the hospital, but the other person just seems to go home to sleep and do the minimum necessary (chickens, cats, etc). So we've been eating well off of the largess of others. Nice to have friends who cook so well.

We may try to get some of Zac's buddies over for a Monopoly game this afternoon or tomorrow. Meanwhile Margy and I work (when not posting to the blog), which is kind of odd.

1 comment:

Eve Horwitz said...

Red jello? Hopefully Zac will soon be able to partake in the more tasty solids that are generously being left at your house. In the meantime, maybe he can develop a creative sword story about the "true" origins of his scar-to-be. All that knowledge of military history should come in handy. Much love, Eve