Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eating and Geeking

Yesterday culminated in a rollicking five-person card game with Zac's friends Neil and Stuart and their mom Diane, so Zac has chosen a quiet day today. However, lots of good things happened -- he was disconnected from his saline/dextrose drip, so he's only connected to a bag of fluid when they are putting antibiotics into him. And he got to each actual (if bland) food today! Mashed potatoes and pork went down very easily, a rice krispy treat not so well.

The three of us have been sitting around here most of the day working and playing on our various laptops. It's just exciting for Zac to be able to walk down the hall without pushing some medical equipment along with him. And -- hamburger for dinner! Jordan scored some ketchup from the cafeteria, even though it's not on the approved list for bland diets -- we like to live on the wild side.

1 comment:

John said...

This is great news! I hope to visit on Saturday afternoon. Maybe Zac will have graduated to really spicy Indian food by then. Okay, maybe not. But, as long as he's still getting better, I won't complain.