Friday, February 20, 2009

Progress, but not as much as we would like

The good news: The surgeon came by and closed up the rest of the incision.

The bad news: Zac's white cell counts are still on the high side of normal, and his temperature is a little (and I mean a very little) elevated. So it's 24 more hours of anti-biotics and the expectation that he'll be out of here tomorrow.

After reading the chart, the surgeon thought long and hard about where to go with this, and that's what he finally concluded. Though not how we wished it had come out, given the circumstances it's a decision that makes perfect sense.

At the end of that visit, Zac's anti-biotic (every 6 hours) was finishing up and he remarked that the IV site was feeling sore. The nurse is going to have the phlebotomist (?) come by, but me might end up with a new IV. At this, he is seriously annoyed since he says they're very uncomfortable to put in. I don't know, I've only had one briefly.

Zac & I watched another disc of Lord of the Rings last night on the Mac that's on loan, and concluded that Macs are much better at reading damaged DVDs than PCs are - it just very nicely says "skipping damaged part of disk" and goes on. Mostly, you don't notice. So I guess we need to use Meg's IMac to read the second LOTR disk and copy it so we have something playable on all players.

Thanks for all the comments, cards, and e-mails. They really do make us feel connected and we appreciate everybody's thougths - humorous, serious, and other (?).

Aside from that, it's pretty quiet.


1 comment:

Always Asking Why said...

Thanks for the updates. I imagine that getting home will be ONE of the highlights of Zac's year so far.