Thursday, February 19, 2009

Slow but Steady

We just got another visit from the surgeon - he's been in every day monitoring Zac's progress and deciding about closing up the incision. Today's news was mostly good: On from clear liquids to not-so-clear liquids (including chocolate milk)! And the IV will only be hooked up for antibiotics.

The sobering news is that his white blood cell count is still a tad high, which is why the antibiotics continue. I casually remarked to the surgeon that I was surprised at how persistent the infection was, and he (in his very measured and balanced way) said that the amount of periotonitis that Zac had was serious and that he wasn't surprised that it was taking this long to clear up. I think it's only sinking in now as to just how narrowly we dodged this bullet - and though we're 98% of the way there, we not all there yet. It will be good to get out of the hospital, but that goal always seems to be two days away.

We had tickets for Cirque Elioze at the Flynn for Wednesday. When we thought this was going to be simpler, we had fantasies of going together. In the event, Jordan went with Lindi and managed to eat at A Single Pebble, which I've been wanting to do for a long time. Margy did double duty at the hospital Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

I think a high-point for Zac was when his friends Neil and Stuart (and their mom) came by for a long session of the card game "Munchkins," which passed most of the afternoon and early evening rather pleasantly. Jordan got roped in to the early part, and Margy took over for him after he left.

Zac's fencing coach came by, but not finding any "Zac" or "Isaac" Young's registered at the hospital, went home. Now I have guilt for having named him "Christopher Isaac (Zac) Young". I'm afraid this is going to be a hassle for the rest of his life. He can change it if he wants, I suppose.

Margy and I got a fair amount of work done early in the week when Zac was sicker, but now that he's more active, it's harder - we spend more time playing games and hanging out. Overall an improvement, but not so good for productivity. As I mentioned, there is wi-fi in the room and Zac has spent some time on a lovely MacBook that's been on loan to our house from our generous friend John. It also plays movies far more effectively than my old laptop.

So Zac's finding ways to pass the time. The nurse pointed out that, had it not been break week, Zac would have had a tutor starting Monday. That would have been a laugh since he was barely conscious. Depending on when he can get back to school, we may end up doing that next week. Margy has e-mailed his teachers and we good a lovely note from his World History teacher.

This isn't exactly the kind of routine one wants to settle in to, but it has given me a little more insight into what it must be like to have a chronically ill child - an experience I would gladly pass by, thank you very much. But we do have a scheme for how things go, in place now just as (I hope) we no longer need it.


Sam Graf said...

Hello guys... it's Sam.
I just wanted to check in, we haven't talked in a while and what with this whole appendix ordeal I figured I'd better get in touch. I read the blog and I'm so glad Zac's doing better now, you'll have to teach me that card game next time we see each other of course. I wish you all luck on your Zac's quest for better health and I wonder if Zac has an e-mail address I might be able to use in the future? Any of you could call or tell me through mine which is
Be well, I'll talk to you soon.

All the best,

Emily Graffiti said...

Hi Everyone! It's Emily.

I was so surprised to hear about Zac, and obviously freaked out. I'm so glad that he has improved so much. That is a really frightening health crisis and I hope that your recovery is complete and speedy. I hope that if there is anything we can do for you guys you won't hesitate (perhaps some from Chicago would make his pesky appendix less annoying!) Get Better!
